When choosing companies to create partnerships with, the responsibility we all have to be environmentally conscious continually came up. We are dealing with some of the most precious materials our earth has to offer. If we aren't conscious about how we treat the earth while we are on it, we are doing an injustice to all of our future generations. What we love most about these companies is that they put their social responsibility to be as friendly to our earth at the forefront of their worldwide operations.
"At Roma, we take great care and pride in knowing that our mouldings are made using only woods from active reforestation programs. Our suppliers adhere to strict guidelines and use reclaimed wood when appropriate. In addition, we also use recycled and environmentally friendly packaging materials whenever possible." - Roma Moulding®
"We care about the world we live in and know our customers do too. We are proud to be the first custom framing manufacturer to offer environmentally friendly FSC®and PEFC® certified products. Also, as part of our Global ReLeaf efforts, we’ve planted half a million trees in locations around the globe." - Larson•Juhl®
"We make every effort to ensure that all of our products activities and development reflect our commitment to integrity, community, and the environment." - Crescent®
All saw blades are not created equally. Now in its fifth generation of family ownership and operation, Quinn Saw is the most technologically advanced in the business.
At Modern Mitre, we exclusively use Quinn Saw blades.